Jordan Wilson
-Hawaii 2019-
Jordan had wanted to join the military since he was a small child and ended up joining the Nebraska National Guard after high school graduation. He went to Basic training at Ft. Knox, KY and completed AIT at Ft. Bliss, TX. Jordan was assigned to the National Guard 168th QM Bn (ps) in Scottsbluff, NE 69361. He loved the training and military so much that he decided to join active duty Army in 2003/03/14.
Jordan was stationed at Ft. Drum, NY, amongst the 10th Mountain Division. He was an 88M truck driver and really loved his job. He volunteered for the two deployments that he completed. Jordan was attached to the 548th Battalion, 10th CSSB. There were 8 of them who left their current unit and volunteered for his first deployment from 2004/01/18 - 2004/06/11. During Jordan's first deployment he picked up tanks from Kuwait and delivered them to every base in Iraq that needed them. He transferred the tanks by driving a OshKosh M1070 army tank transporter, also know as a (HET) heavy equipment transporter. Driving the HET was challenging, awesome and he loved it.
Jordan and his squad were constantly under small arms fire and mortar rounds. While dropping off tanks at one of the bases in Iraq they came under heavy small arms fire and numerous mortar round attacks. One mortar attack landed extremely close and the blast blew his squad and him back and into the air. They were so lucky that there were no casualties that day, but the blast did cause Jordan dizziness, confusion, and to be dazed.
When Jordan's deployment was over and after returning home to Ft. Drum, NY, he heard that 57th Transportation Company was preparing to deploy and needed volunteers. When he was able to Jordan volunteered and transferred to 57th Trans CSB,
Delta Company. This deployment was much different than his first and they deployed as gun truck convoy escorts. Jordan drove, fired my M16, and mainly shot the M19 grenade launcher. Jordan still currently has a hard time sleeping because of the
nightmares and flashbacks but he's on a sleeping medication to help. Jordan and his squad traveled all over the country of Iraq escorting fuel trucks from the southern border of Iraq to the Jordan border as our main mission.
While in Iraq his second tour they were mainly stationed at Al-Asad Air Base. This protective job was extremely intense and very dangerous. Jordan lost 2 friends and also one of his friends lost one of his hands all due to IED blasts. During this deployment is where Jordan received his disability. The doctors said that the multiple concussions he received were like experiencing shaken baby syndrome over and over again. His vehicle was hit by 5 IED blasts causing multiple TBI injuries. Jordan and his squad was under constant small arms fire and his convoy was hit by multiple VBIEDʼs. When hit by the 5 IED blasts, Jordan was knocked unconscious, bled from his nose, and ears. Jordan now has a seizure disorder and extreme short term memory loss, as well as PTSD, a cyst in his brain, and after taking his seizure medication from the VA now have osteoporosis.
Because of the osteoporosis, he broke his tibial plateau and had a tri-malleolar fracture in his ankle simply by walking. Jordan had to have 2 plates and 12 screws to repair the damage. He is now currently on a different seizure medication but still suffer from multiple seizures.
Jordan was honorably and medically discharged from Ft. Carson, CO for PTSD as an E-5 SGT. Shortly after being discharged, he started having Grand Mal seizures and he is now 100% disabled and retired. Jordan was transferred to Ft. Carson in
2006/08/26 from Ft. Drum, NY. He was a squad leader in charge of 7 soldiers and he loved it.
Day to day life is difficult and very stressful for Jordan. He have depression, anxiety, PTSD, multiples seizures a month, can barely sleep, and have extremely bad memory loss. Jordan says that if it weren't for his wife he doesn't know how he would live day to day. The Lord and his wife are his rock. Jordan is married to Cassandra and they have an 11 year daughter Taelor.
Currently, Jordan teaches 1st grade Sunday school at his church twice a week when physically able, he attend bibles studies, and is a part of the Gideons Association.